what is ERC-20 and What Does it imply for Ethereum?

what is ERC-20

Ethereum, the famous cryptocurrency and blockchain machine, is based totally on the use of tokens which can be sold or traded. There are numerous special tokens which can be used along with Ethereum, and these differ from ether, that is the forex local to the Ethereum blockchain. Tokens, in this example, constitute digital assets that […]

ICO: What They Are & How To Advertise Them

ICO- What They Are & How To Advertise Them

Bitcoin, Blockchain, and digital money have been an intriguing issue for as long as couple of years and this is another wilderness for the Internet of Things, keen applications, and cutting edge devices. The developments in this industry offer answers for the issues happening at the business gauges of innovation progress (Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, […]

Cryptocurrency Exchange Security Measures Check list : Test Exchange

Cryptocurrency Exchange Security Measures Check list

Cryptocurrency exchange website testing What is cryptocurrency exchange platform? A cryptocurrency exchange is basically a type of website that allows users to exchange, buy and sell cryptocurrencies with other forms of digital currencies or traditional currencies like Euro and US dollars. If you are looking to carry out online trading then at some point of […]

All information about Initial Coin Offering : ICO

Initial Coin Offering - ICO

everything you needed to know about Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) Over the last few years, concepts such as digital money Bitcoin and Blockchain have revolutionized the way we used to think of technology and online transactions and it is quite easy to see why. Along with these highly advanced ideas, there are also cutting-edge systems […]


Blockchain development is a digital ledger which tracks the transactions that have been made online, along with the various contracts and agreements. This makes sure that everything that is done online is secure from every end, and no information is leaked out. The basic idea for the development of the blockchain technology was to strengthen […]

Initial Coin Offering Development Company

Initial Coin Offering Development Company

Introduction Initial coin offering is the hot topic of today’s new era of ERC20 Token Development or turning point of the crypto to reach the more numbers of customers for raising the more amount of money for the development of the company. For the crypto–based opportunities, initial coin offering is the next way to raise […]

Excellent Opportunities Provided By The Best Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company USA

Best Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company USA

Cryptocurrency can be described as digital cash which allows secured financial transactions due to its strong cryptography feature that makes difficult for any third party to counterfeit the private information. The popular Cryptocurrencies in the market are Bitcoin, Etherum, Zcash, Dash, Ripple, Monero etc. These currencies can be exchanged just like the general financial currencies […]



WHAT IS API? An application programming interface (API) is a flag-bearer that procedures ask for and guarantees consistent working of big business frameworks. Programming interface empowers cooperation between information, applications, and gadgets. It conveys information and encourages network among gadgets and projects. An application programming interface makes a channel for the organization to offer its […]

Blockchain Development: Reinventing Processes by Smart Contracts.

Blockchain Development

Blockchain smart contracts the next way of innovation Today, in this blog we learn how we will carry out various business and industries transformation after the extremity of block chains. Blockchain Technology with the potential to eliminate financial services intermediate, And also have a fundamental power of lead change in the manufacturing industries. With the […]

Reinventing the concept of gardening with Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

The Most Popular Technology Recently the technology has been entering into a new phase and affecting each and every aspect of a business. Augmented Reality has been gaining great popularity and is making headlines in new these days. Augmented reality technology is a way of composing real-world images along with computer-generated information or images. This […]