
Ethereum Node Sync: How to install it?

Ashok Rathod

Tech Consultant

Posted on
8th Oct 2024
10 min
Ethereum Node Sync

What is the Ethereum and Ethereum node?

Ethereum is decentralized blockchain-based technology that is home to digital money, payments, and dApp & applications. Ethereum Virtual Machine ( EVM ) Supporting wide range of blockchains including TRON, POLYGON and BSC ( Binance Smart Chain).It is easy to approach access to digital money and data-friendly services to everyone. It mainly focuses on peer-to-peer network establishment which securely executes and verifies application codes known as smart contracts. Smart contracts can do transactions without the involvement of third parties. Decentralized Crypto Exchange works on Blockchain Technology.

The Ethereum node is the computer that runs the Ethereum full node client software. 

The client is the software that you require to install to allow the Ethereum nodes to run the Ethereum-based blockchains and Ethereum smart contracts.  ERC20 and ERC721 / ERC1155 are widely used for digital currencies and Non-Fungible Tokens development respectively. Stable Coin like USDT, USDC also deployed on various blockchains. learn more about stable-coin and types of stable-coins from here

The running of this node is solely based on the installation of client software without which it seems to be impossible to generate the node.

The Ethereum network aims to become the blockchain for a more decentralized internet, which means it needs to be reliable and scalable for use in real-world applications. One of the main ways that the network achieves this end goal is through nodes, which are computers/nodes that act as a point for sending and receiving data on the blockchain. There are different types of Ethereum node clients and each has its positive as well as negative outcomes. The most popular clients are Geth (the Go implementation) and Parity (the Rust implementation). Both have their merits, but the vast majority of Ethereum nodes use Geth, according to Ethernodes.

Can you sync the Ethereum node on your own? 

The answer to this most frequently asked question is “YES”!

The node can be used for both: cloud-based servers 

                                                         : own or personal computer ( PC )

The Ethereum node difficult to sync on your own. But if you follow certain steps, you can easily sync it.

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Firstly, from where you can download the client to run the node? 

You can use Go Ethereum   (GITHUB) or Turbo Geth. Both have their merits, but the vast majority of Ethereum nodes use Geth, according to Ethernodes. Learn more

Geth is by far the most popular client because it’s open-source and easier to install on a variety of platforms, including macOS with Homebrew or Linux with apt-get install Geth.

Parity is also an option; however, it has a lot more security built into its design compared to other clients like Geth which means that if you run into issues during syncing your chain then you probably won’t be able to fix them without having access to your private keys (which could potentially result in losing funds).

1)Go Ethereum: It works well with single app use.

2)Turbo Geth: It works well if you have massive API requests. The major advantage of using turbo Geth is that initial network sync is much faster. Additionally, the database size comparisons are also different than those with the traditional ETH nodes.




It is observed from the reports that users are mostly liking the Geth of all their Ethereum nodes.

From where to find the best hosting servers for ETH?

You can get the physical servers from many different platforms. Some of them are as below:

  1. DigitalOcean
  2. Abelo  Host                6)holster box 
  3. Shinjiru                      7) Abaco Hosting  
  4. Hawk host                 8)Snel. com
  5. Host sailor                 9)Temuk
  6. Glow host                  10)Altus Host

You can deploy Ethereum node on DigitalOcean , AWS ( Amazon web services ) , Azure Cloud and any dedicated server or cloud infrastructure service provider. 

Alternatively, you can also use the Hetzner server but the disadvantage is you cannot redeploy it easily as you do for Azure or AWP.

The above list provides few of  the best companies where you can buy the hosting servers for ETH. Just analyze the offers and benefits of each of these to find the best which suits your needs!

The conclusion is to find the best possible server providing you with good storage space at a cheaper price.

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Before you execute the client software … watch out for these!

Minimum requirements for running full ethereum node.

  1. There is enough disc space.
  2. Memory and CPU aren’t halted.
  3. Operating system is updated.
  4. Time and date are correct.
  5. Router and firewall should accept the connections on listening ports.

 It is hard to provide precisely specific information about the cloud server configuration required for deploying and run full eth node because server configuration changes with time however our blockchain expert can help with deploying and running the Ethereum node.

Minimum Requirements 

  • 300+ GB of SSD or HDD
  • 2+ Cores CPU
  • 4 GB RAM with SSD or 8 + GB RAM if you HDD
  • 8 MBits / Second of Bandwidth 
  • Operating system : Ubuntu , MacOS , Windows etc  

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What after downloading the GETH?

  1. Once you click on the “Geth” click on “install”.
  2. It will take some time for syncing the node. Therefore, you need to be patient.
  3. After this, the node will start running.
  4. Once the node starts running, the execution client offers RPC API endpoints.
  5. These endpoints submit the transactions.

Many different clients implement different RPC API endpoints . But there is one standard JSON RPC endpoint that all clients can use.

JSON RPC, by default, only reaches by the local host of the computer. Hence, to make it remotely accessible you need to make it exposed publicly. The endpoint is mostly on port 8545.

Therefore, you need to change the IP address to 0000.

With Geth, you can also use modifiable methods like using a flag.

The most important thing to remember here is once you start modifying your RPC publicly, your node can exposes to hackers. One way to prevent this can be as follows:

Installing TOR, edit it, and restart the service. learn more from 

After restarting the service, you will get your hostname the way you desire in the directories.

More about Security and Unit-Testing

LAST BUT NOT THE LEASTGet Ethereum doesn’t support JSON  RPC HTTP endpoint authentication. We do have a cherry on top of the cake!

Just exploit –HTTP. vhost and set a server name that is not in public DNS.

You can use for the authentication process. 

But the fun part is that GETH only supports public data that an adversary could get from Ethereum mempool anyway so you do not need to bother for HTTPS at all.


The benefit of running an Ethereum node is twofold. First, you become another point on the network that uses to transmit and receive data, making it more robust. Second, you will be able to get information about what’s happening on the network without having to ask other nodes for it. This means that if there is an attack or innovation in place on one of your peers (i.e., they are downloading too much data), they might not share anything with you because they are using up all available bandwidth. Running a node is a great way to get involved with the Ethereum ecosystem. And also gives you a chance to earn some extra money.

So, in nutshell, the benefits are as below:

  • Having access to smart contract functionality.
  • You don’t have to be an expert in the field of distributed systems, or even understand how blockchain works. All you need is an internet connection, an amount of free time, and some technical know-how.
  • Running a node allows you to interact with the Ethereum network and earn tokens for doing so. You can also use your node to help develop new features and services on top of the Ethereum protocol itself.
  • Learning about consensus algorithms and how they can be used as a tool for decentralization. for example : PoW , PoS , Hybrid , PoH etc..
  • Understanding how blockchains work at a technical level.
  • You have control over how much bandwidth your node uses for mining – if you’re hosting a website, you can use less bandwidth than someone trying to send transactions through an app or desktop client (which may require users to download more software).
  • You can set up alerts so that when something happens with a block’s hash or timestamp.


To run an Ethereum node, you need a computer with a hard drive containing at least 300GB of free space and at least 4GB of RAM. As with mining, it’s best if your machine runs Windows or Linux OS X.

The reason for this is that if you are using the full Ethereum blockchain on your hard drive then there will be less room for other programs that may run during normal use. If your computer runs out of memory then it won’t be able to keep up with all the transactions between nodes in real-time . This could mean delays in processing new transactions from users who want to access their funds (such as miners).


Ethereum nodes sync in days, not weeks or months. The Ethereum blockchain is designed to handle hundreds of thousands of transactions per second. It’s not designed to handle millions of transactions per second, which is why it takes roughly 24 hours for the average node to sync up with the latest information from the network.

To sync your Ethereum node, you will need at least a 200 kbps connection if you are using a remote node.

GETH has optimized to sync a lot. After the initial syncing process, GETH generates a snapshot for other nodes to sync which will take a few days, but the snapshot is not a guarantee that the node is operating. Additionally, GETH doesn’t show you the actual time, whether weeks or days, to complete a sync.


If you want to get your ether fast and don’t have time for it to be mined by others, it is recommended to set up your node. One of the reasons it’s worth it to install and sync your node is that you can save on gas costs. It might not sound like much, but if you do it often enough in a month it can add up to quite a bit of money. Plus, running your own Ethereum node will give you more control over how your node is managed, which is much more than what would be available to you through an online wallet.

You can use it to create smart contracts and test them in a live environment, if you use your node & account, the fees are a lot lower than if you were to rent a node, etc. If you plan on creating smart contracts anyway and don’t want to pay excessive transaction fees this is the best way to go.

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Ashok Rathod

Tech Consultant

25 Years
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